Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My Mini Me

As a child I was obsessed with playing house and carrying around my baby dolls. I always dreamed of having children when I grew up and wondered what they would look like and be like. I especially dreamed of having a little girl who could be my "mini me!" I wondered what color eyes she'd have, if she'd be happy, what kind of toys she'd like to play with, what her hair would look like, if she'd like music or dancing, the possibilities were endless. Every little girl I created with my dolls, on paper, or in my head was perfect, I eventually wanted one (or four) of them for real one day! 

Brielle is more perfect than any little girl I could have imagined or dreamed about.

For starters she has so much stinking hair, I'm obsessed. I've said this before but when the doctor said she had hair I cried! I was so worried that she wouldn't have hair because I was a total baldy when I was born! 

  I LOVE the curl in her upper lip. It's so unique to her and again I'm obsessed. 

She really is the happiest baby I've ever met. You can make her smile simply by saying hello to her! It's the most rewarding feeling. I love that she will smile for everyone! And her smile is pretty dang cute, I'm even starting to see some tiny dimples when she smiles really big! 

She has blue eyes...like really blue eyes and I'm pretty sure they will stay that way!! 

She loves to snuggle and be held, which means she loves baby wearing and she will only fall asleep if you are holding her hand...melt my heart!! 

Kent and Brielle holding hands and watching football! 

She loves to be swaddled and loves her binkie. I don't know why but swaddled babies with binks get me every time. 

Brielle loves to play and listen to music. Kent plays her the guitar and I don't know who loves it more Brielle or me! 

This is her favorite toy! It lights up and plays music and she could stare at it all day long! 

Thought she'd go permanently cross eyed! 

She loves the water, just like her mom and dad! If she's upset all you have to do is put her in her bath and she's so content! 

Brielle has so many different facial expressions!! They all kill me and I love looking back at pictures and just die laughing! 

There is so much more I love about this little girl! I love her nickname Breezy, her little round head, her calm sweet spirit, her love of being outside, how she lights up when dad comes home, her squeaky laugh, how excited she gets when you get her out of her crib in the morning, how she tries to be independent by standing up or holding her own bottle, how observant she is, her chunky legs, chubby chubby cheeks and I love that she's a mommy's girl, even though Kent says she's a daddy's girl! 

Everything about her is a million times better than anything I could have ever imagined and I thank my Heavenly Farher everyday for making my reality better than my dreams. 



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