Thursday, September 17, 2015

One Year Ago...

One year ago today I found out I was pregnant!!

I still have yet to write this all down in Brielle's baby book so I figured I'd post it here because who knows how long it'll take me to fill that book out!

My period was a few days late but since I had been on birth control my periods were all over the place and I hadn't been keeping track of it. It was Sunday and I told Kent if I didn't get my period by Friday I would take a test, as to not get my hopes up! School started the next day and by Wednesday morning I couldn't wait any longer and grabbed the test that Kent had bought as a joke one day and took the test. 

As I was waiting for the results I kept repeating to myself "you probably aren't pregnant, it's okay if you aren't pregnant." I'm not sure how long I waited but I finally grabbed the test and I saw the two lines! I was seriously in complete shock and the tears started flowing, no shock there!

I wanted to call Kent right away and tell him but I knew I didn't want to tell him over the phone so naturally I called Ashly and she didn't answer so I called Kristi and told her the good news! Her first response was "are you sure? Did you take more than one test?" So I took the other test in the box, while I was on the phone with her, and got another positive test!

After I got off the phone with Kristi, I sent Ashly a picture of the pregnancy test and within seconds she calls me in full on tears!

I was supposed to go to school that day but was so excited I couldn't even handle the thought of going to school (yes, I skipped my third day of school ha!) I spent all day trying to figure out some creative way to tell Kent.

I scrolled through every single baby announcement on Pinterest and finally combined a few different ideas and made Kent these...which took me hours to make. 

Baby Merzlock arriving may 26th in a hospital near you! Section M Row 1 Seat 1! Date subject to change. 

I put them in an envelope (stamp and everything) and addressed them from ticket master, put it in our mailbox and waited anxiously for Kent to get home!

He was home reading some news story online and I went outside to get the mail and walked back in handing him his mail and said "nothing exciting." He grabbed the envelope and said "ticket master?" I think he thought I had bought him football tickets or something! haha!

I really wanted to record this whole thing but a few months before this, we were watching youtube videos of women telling their husbands they were pregnant and Kent kept saying please don't ever film me! SO I chose the next best thing and I have a voice recording of the whole thing. I wish I knew how to attach it on here but basically it went down like this.

Brittney- nervous/happy laughter

Kent- "Whaattttt? Whaaattt? We didn't get anything fun? Are you kidding me? "

Brittney- Tears and more laughter "yeah!"

Kent- "Wait why are there two of them?"

Brittney- "One for you and one for me!"

Kent- "Oh wow baby, oh wow! How do you know?"

Brittney- "I took a test this morning!"

Kent- "Wow baby!" "How did these tickets get here so fast?"

Kent- "Wow baby! You did it this morning? Tell me about it! I had a little bit of a hunch."

Brittney- "Wait, what do you mean you had a hunch?"

I loved being able to surprise Kent with this news even though he said he "had a hunch". After telling Kent I wanted to tell the whole world but I was only 4 weeks along so I only wanted to tell family and close friends. My parents were supposed to fly out to Idaho the next weekend and thats when we decided to tell them. An hour went by and I couldn't stand that my parents didn't know so I called them up on FaceTime. I told my family that we got some fun tickets in the mail and showed them over the camera and my mom goes "oh! what Merzlock is having a baby?" I told her it was me and she just stared at me through the camera. Haha not really the reaction I was thinking I'd receive. After the initial shock passed my dad says "are you serious?!" They were both so excited and kept sending me texts saying they couldn't believe it and were so happy!

Later I learned that my mom was confused because I had been complaining of cramps to her just the day before, so she thought I was playing a joke on her. I actually thought I wasn't pregnant the days previous to taking the test because I had such bad cramps but turns out it was a baby in the making!

Next was to tell Kent's parents. We were at their house and Karma was needing some kind of help with her TV and Kent handed her the "manual" and she opened it up and there were the baby Merzlock tickets. She started to laugh and cry. It was so funny because she goes I didn't want to read this dumb thing (manual) right now!

I have video recordings of telling both our parents that I wish I could figure out how to post!

It was such a fun week being able to tell everyone close to us that we were expecting. Everyone was so supportive and just as excited as we were for this new addition to our family!

I couldn't wait to be able to tell the rest of the world that I was pregnant but we decided to wait until I was 12 weeks along but in true Brittney fashion I couldn't wait that long and at 11 weeks I decided to announce it on the world of social media! Again I spent the whole day looking on Pinterest (and skipping school) and finally came up with this.

Knowing I was pregnant was such an emotional roller coaster!  I was so excited but also so scared that something would happen to the baby but luckily,

One year later I'm here playing with this cute face! 

Who is watching mommy write this post instead of napping... 

And she has a crazy mom.... 



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